Opportunities for recovering valuable resources from water treatment sludges

Opportunities for recovering valuable resources from water treatment sludges

Published On 23/03/2025

The circular economy and advancements in technology present an opportunity for water utilities to consider the value of the wastes that they produce, and the resources which they could recover.

These opportunities were detailed in our pathfinder project, What does a circular economy water industry look like? (21/SL/12/3).

In particular, potable water treatment sludge has garnered attention across the globe as one possible waste stream which could have reuse or recovery benefits.

These benefits include:

  • Enhancing nutrient removal in wastewater treatment
  • Use within building materials
  • Use as a soil amendment to slow the leaching of pollutants off agriculural fields
  • The recovery of metal salts, providing a reusable commodity

Our latest circular economy project, Circular economy – water treatment sludges (24/SL/09/02), reviews existing and emerging applications and markets for water treatment sludges; outlines the volume and composition of sludges; reviews current outlets for sludges; and includes a high-level economic analysis to determine best routes forward for the UK and Irish water industry.

Isle Utilities Ltd were the lead contractor, working with Allied Waters from The Netherlands.

The Programme Lead was Donna Rawlinson from Northumbrian Water and UKWIR’s Project Manager was Ken Shapland. The Project Steering Group was comprised of members from the majority of UK and Ireland water utilities

To read the report click here.