Substances of Emerging Concern Independent Advisory Group



Substances of Emerging Concern Independent Advisory Group (SECAG), provides UKWIR with independent, evidence led scientific advice and support, to act as a ‘critical friend’ on research matters pertaining to substances of emerging concern to the water sector.



The purpose of the SECAG is to support UKWIR in the delivery of its research programme and specifically to (i) provide advice and insight into substances of emerging concern that may be of interest and/or relevance to the water industry, and (ii) to help to identify any potential for collaboration or funding opportunities on any matters raised.

To do this, SECAG will need to consider the existing and emerging science relating to substances of emerging concern and assess whether the water industry has a role to play in advancing the knowledge of their source, fate, behaviour or environmental impact and mitigation of any impact.

SECAG’s role is to offer independent, constructive advice on scientific and research matters to UKWIR and its Programme Leads in particular, who are leading research in various areas (as per UKWIR’s Big Questions). Any projects that stem from these discussions will need the support of the UKWIR membership to progress, following UKWIR’s established programme governance process.

Prof. Alistair Boxall

University of York

Alistair Boxall is Professor in Environmental Science in the Environment Department at the University of York and Director of the NERC-funded ECORISC Centre for Doctoral Training…

Prof. Andrew Johnson

UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Prof. Johnson obtained a PhD in Soil Science at Reading University in 1988. Since 1992 he has been employed as a research scientist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology…

Prof. Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern

University of Bath

Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern is a Professor in Environmental and Analytical Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bath and a co-director of Water and Innovation Research Centre.…

Prof. Elise Cartmell

Scottish Water

Professor Elise Cartmell is the Chief Scientist at Scottish Water and is responsible for their Scientific and Research and Innovation activities…

Mark Craig

Severn Trent Water

Mark Craig is Severn Trent Water’s Long Term Asset Strategy Lead for wastewater with over 30 years experience in the water industry.…

Prof. Tamara Galloway

University of Exeter

Tamara is Professor of Ecotoxicology at the University of Exeter and also holds an Honorary Chair at University of Exeter Medical School…

To reach out to the SECAG group please contact