Who we are

UKWIR is responsible for facilitating the shaping of the water industry's research agenda, developing the research programme, procuring and managing the research and disseminating the findings. 

UKWIR Annual Review 2023/24

The water sector finds itself at a crossroads. Public scrutiny, media attention, and the impact of extreme weather events have thrust water and wastewater services into the national spotlight over recent years. While negative headlines often paint an incomplete picture, it’s undeniable challenges exist.

However, this narrative isn't the whole story. The water sector is actively driving positive change. This year's annual report, covering our activity over 2023/24, celebrates our collective efforts to improve services, reduce environmental impact, and shape a more sustainable future.

Inside you'll find:

  • Highlights from the past year: A look back at UKWIR's most notable achievements over the last 12 months, significant research projects and reports, secured funding and partnerships

  • Refreshed research: An overview of our new, wide-ranging research strategy to address emerging sector challenges from now to 2050
    Expert Insights: An insightful article from Jeremy Heath on leakage, alongside a deep dive into our new Water Research Forum (WRF) and the value of independent research, with Prof David Butler, University of Exeter

  • The human touch: Profiles of our talented Programme and Co-Programme Lead

  • Upcoming events: A sneak peek at our upcoming October conference, featuring high-profile speakers, a brand-new interactive session, and key themes like embracing nature as a stakeholder and protecting our waterways

  • Future priorities: The word-class research projects we’re working on now, as well as those we have planned for the future

By utilising cutting-edge research, and showcasing powerful stories of innovation and collaboration, we can craft compelling narratives that rebuild public faith in the industry's ability to deliver results. 

Collaboration remains at the heart of our approach, and we encourage you to explore the exciting work detailed within this report. Your support is vital to our success. Thank you for joining UKWIR in shaping a brighter future for the water sector.

Please click the image below to view our Annual Review.

UKWIR Annual Review


Delivery of a successful research programme requires input from our members (the water companies of the UK and Ireland) in defining their needs, steering projects and applying the outputs in order to secure the anticipated benefits. 

Members benefit from collaboration on research projects of common interest and elimination of duplication in research, enabling them to get more value for their investment.

UKWIR relies on the involvement of our members their Regulators and the organisations who collaborate with us.  There are many opportunities to work with UKWIR, you can get in touch by using the details at the bottom of this page.

Contractors that wish to work with us can find more information by clicking this link

Meet the team


We are a small team based in London, working with and supported by our members. The team’s main role is developing the research programme, procuring and managing the research and disseminating the findings.

The team also arranges meetings and other events relating to UKWIR research areas and Big Questions.

Mike Rose

Chief Executive Officer

Mike is recognised for driving innovation, new solutions and technology adoption within asset-intensive industries in the UK and internationally. A Chartered Management Consultant with a Masters in Water, Energy and the Environment. He brings a passion for working collaboratively with diverse groups to accelerate the realisation of exceptional outcomes that improve the communities and environment we all rely on.

Carol Ham

Office Manager

Carol is the first point of contact for UKWIR's members and customers, is well-known amongst UKWIR's members and has been with UKWIR for a number of years. She manages the website and the UKWIR Annual Programme, as well as the day-to-day tasks of the head office.

Mandy Fletton

Senior Programme Manager

Mandy joined UKWIR in January 2016. Her role is to drive UKWIR’s research programme forward as well as providing support to UKWIR's Project Managers and developing collaborative relationships with external organisations.

Mandy was educated at Hull and Anglia Ruskin Universities, is a Chartered Chemist and gained experience in the analytical, regulation, drinking water and wastewater operation areas of the industry with Anglian Water before joining UKWIR. 

Jenni Hughes

Strategic Programme Manager

Jenni started her career at Thames Water in 2012, joining on the Operations Graduate Programme. She has delivered Thames Water’s Chemical Investigations Programme since 2014 and supported many of UKWIR’s projects related to chemicals and plastics.

She holds a Masters in Environmental Science and Technology from Lancaster University.

Oluseyi Onifade

Strategic Programme Manager

Olu started her career in the Water industry working for Laing O’Rourke on Thames Water’s Victorian Mains Replacement Programme before moving to South East Water. Olu spent 10 years with South East Water doing various roles of which the last 4 years were spent delivering the flagship Compulsory Metering Programme in which more than 90 percent of South East Water’s domestic customers had a water meter fitted.

Olu holds an MSc qualification in Project Management, Finance, and Risk from City University, London.

Anna Staples

Strategic Programme Manager

Anna started her career in academic research before joining Anglian Water where she worked for 16 years, first as a drinking water quality scientist, and then as a project manager delivering projects across many areas of the Water business stream. Anna joined UKWIR in March 2024, her role is to manage the Drinking Water, Carbon Reduction and Circular Economy programmes.
She is a chartered scientist and holds a PhD in analytical chemistry from the University of Bristol.

Freya Caldwell

Research and Communications Co-Ordinator

Freya has a background in Environmental Humanities and, prior to joining UKWIR, worked in marketing and communications within the Greentech space. She coordinates and assists with the development of UKWIR’s programme of research projects, company communications and the management and distribution of research reports.

Our team of Programme Leads are experienced practitioners, drawn directly from our members.  Their involvement and guidance is key to ensuring our research programme delivers effective outcomes that address both today's and tomorrow's issues. 

Ben Ward

Asset Management

South West Water

Dan Green


Wessex Water

Donna Rawlinson

Sewage Sludge

Northumbrian Water

Jeremy Heath


SES Water

Keiron Maher

Drinking Water Quality & Health

Severn Trent

Mark Craig

Sustainable Wastewater

Severn Trent Water

Nick Mills

Sustainable Wastewater

Southern Water

Richard Amos

Water Resources

South West Water

Samuel Fox

Zero Interruptions

United Utilities


Co-Programme Leads

Alison Edwards

Welsh Water

Andrew Smith

Asset Management

Yorkshire Water Limited

Ashleigh Sheppard

Zero Interruptions

South East Water

Brad Evans

Water Resources

South East Water plc

Brad Evans

South East Water

Daniel Haire


South Staffordshire Water plc

Doug Spencer

Zero Leakage

Anglian Water

Joanna Cooke

United Utilities

Johnathan Burke

Zero Waste / Resource Recovery

Southern Water Limited

Keiron Maher

Drinking Water Quality & Health

Severn Trent

Mark Wilkinson


Northumbrian Water Limited

Michael Gerardo

Welsh Water

Mike Foley

Zero Waste / Resource Recovery

Wessex Water

Paul Merchant

Water Resources

South West Water

Sharon Evans

Drinking Water Quality & Health

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

UKWIR is a truly collaborative organisation, driven by an influential Board of Directors, each of whom are Directors or senior managers of water companies.  Our Research Programme is validated by our Board, ensuring our work is kept focused on current and future requirements.


Chairman of the Board

Richard Warneford

Northumbrian Water

Board Members

Grant Batty

United Utilities

Elise Cartmell

Scottish Water

Gary Curran

Northern Ireland Water

Suvra Jans

Thames Water

Tim McMahon

Southern Water

Caroline O'Reilly

Uisce Éireann

Robin Price

Anglian Water

Bob Taylor

Portsmouth Water

Richard Walwyn

Severn Trent

Matt Wheeldon

Wessex Water

Mark Worsfold

South West Water

All of the Water Companies in UK and Ireland are members of UKWIR.  Their staff  volunteer their time to get involved with UKWIR projects. Their experience is invaluable when helping to identify key industry challenges and in steering projects to a successful conclusion.


Associate Members

Many of our projects involve collaboration with other organisations, including Regulators, government departments, research bodies and academic institutions.  The engagement between water industry practitioners and collaborators provides a more diverse knowledge base and greater influence regarding research outcomes, funding and resources.


Contact The Head Office


1st Floor,

3 More London Riverside, London


Registered in England - Registered No. 2862807

Tel: 44(0)203 283 4052
E-mail: mail@ukwir.org.uk

For queries regarding report orders, please contact:

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UKWIR can also be found on LinkedIn and Twitter