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BQ10 –Greenhouse Gas estimation and reporting tools for 2025

The following key objectives have been identified: 

  •  Provision of GHG emissions/Carbon Accounting tool that:
  • supports estimation of annual greenhouse gas emissions for a water industry operations and activities, covering all sector specific emission sources
  • enables consistent use of agreed estimation methodologies using the same emissions factors,
  • is transparent, facilitating easy interrogation of agreed estimation calculations and methodologies including how they are applied,
  • is reasonably accurate and up to date with respect to the prevailing science, best practice guidance, UK government guidance and UK water sector operational practice,
  • will by default retain all core functionality provided by the current CAW version 18 (see accompanying Technical Specification Guidance document) (add link to it) but seek to improve usability,
  • include additional or amended functionality to meet the water industry needs identified by the industry’s carbon accounting working group and/or project steering group,
  • does not require purchase of non-standard office software, and is compatible with water company IT and software systems
  • is suitable for use (with annual refreshes) for at least 5 -7 years. 


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Big Question / Topic
Environmental Benefits

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CIP4 - Transitional and Coastal Waters (TraC) Investigations - THAMES ESTUARY CHEMICAL MODELLING PROJECT

•    To determine, where appropriate, parameter-specific permit limits for the WwTWs influencing the Thames Estuary. 

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BQ06 Sewerage
Environmental Benefits

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CIP4 - Antimicrobial resistance within sewage and biosolids treatment systems and the receiving environmen

The aims of the project are:- 

To develop and deliver an investigation into the prevalence and variation of selected ARG in effluent and sludge and the receiving environment.

To gather data on the prevalence of anti-microbial resistance co-selectors in sewage, biosolids and the environment.

To complement the work of other parties in the field of antimicrobial resistance and to understand in that context how the contribution of ARG from water industry assets and releases (both effluent and sludges) may be assessed. 

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Project Commenced

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Big Question / Topic
Environmental Benefits

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CIP4 - Transitional and Coastal Waters (TraC) Investigations - HUMBER ESTUARY CHEMICAL MODELLING

•    To determine, where appropriate, parameter-specific permit limits for the WwTWs influencing the Humber Estuary

Project Status
Project Commenced

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Big Question / Topic
Wastewater Treatment & Sewerage

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CIP4 Microplastics generated within wastewater treatment works

The aims of the project are: 

  • To quantify the amount and type of microplastics potentially being generated through attrition and degradation of plastic components. 

  • To identify options to reduce microplastic generation, either through recommendations for use of alternative materials or ways to limit the rate of attrition and degradation.