Priority projects for the Regulation Big Question

Priority projects for the Regulation Big Question

Published On 19/05/2021

UKWIR News is featuring, for the first time, the Big Question How do We Ensure that the Regulatory Framework Incentivises Efficient Delivery of the Right Outcomes for Customers and the Environment?

Frontier Economics was engaged to explore this Big Question to determine the industry’s priorities and, based on these, define future areas of research.

They carried out wide-ranging interviews with regulatory specialists that identified six priority topics, which were then explored in more detail in a series of virtual workshops. The six priority topics and key findings were:

The role of the customer.

Customers should be engaged where meaningful research and insights can genuinely inform regulatory decisions and business plans with a desire to see engagement evolution not revolution – for example by incorporating national research findings with company-led insights.

Balancing risk and reward.

Measures that balance risk and reward remain valuable but future work should improve how those risks are articulated to guide water companies and regulators in carrying out any risk calculations more consistently.

Optimal environmental investments.

There are potential barriers to investing in nature-based solutions and so alternative options need to be explored – for example developing more explicit measures of `natural capital’ and amending guidance to better capture the environmental benefits of investment.

Integration of cost assessment and service quality.

One potential option to improve this area of the regulatory framework is a more pragmatic sequencing of price-setting decisions that increases the focus on key areas of cost and service – while recognising that any early decisions may need to change as more information comes to light.

Long term issues.

Long-term incentives are important but can become compromised by short-term pressures, which then has the potential to affect performance levels for future generations and some environmental outcomes. Future price review processes should consider setting service quality targets over a longer time period and applying high-level outcomes rather than output-focussed measures.

Government role and light-touch regulation.

The status quo should be maintained where the Government sets national strategy and policy and regulators determine the regulatory approaches and methodologies to achieve those – but recognising the merits of returning to more light-touch, simplified regulation could lead to more unfair outcomes for companies or customers. 

For more details, please refer to UKWIR report - Assessing the Effectiveness of the Regulatory Framework (21/RG/05/56).