We are currently working on the approach to answering this Big Question, and more information will be given here soon. The areas that this Big Question covers includes: Once we understand where the gaps are, we will produce a route map – this is a plan as to how we will answer our Big Question. The route map will have a number of key elements. At the top will be our Big Question and then we will look to see what Outcomes we need from the research programme -if we can achieve all these outcomes we can answer the Big Question. This is the stage we are currently at for this Big Question. The next stage will be to think about the key benefits we want the research projects to deliver to meet these outcomes. Following this, we will plan the research projects to help deliver the benefits. UKWIR – the UK and Irish water industry’s research body – has commissioned the first study of its kind in the UK to develop a robust approach to sampling and detection of microplastic particles in the treated water cycle. This included accurately measuring the presence of microplastic particles in potable (drinking) water, treated wastewater and in the solid residues (sludge) produced by both the water and wastewater treatment processes. Please click here to view more information.
Customers are satisfied with their drinking water View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits We can measure taste and odour quantitatively We understand the occurrence of taste and odour |
An appropriate balance of risks for substances of concern. their public health impact and mitigation View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits Catchment Interventions can be implemented as part of the treatment process We can identify emerging contaminants of concern We can implement cost effective means to minimise Disinfection By-products We can implement cost effective measures for removal We can implement processes to remove microplastics We have accurate information about Disinfection By-products and their pre-cursors We understand the impacts of microplastics on drinking water quality We understand the use of Catchment Interventions as a treatment option |
Ownership and responsibility for water quality is clear and all play their part in its protection View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits We can determine the affordable & acceptable solutions for Lead compliance We understand the chemistry that controls the solubility of lead |
Regulate the Right Things View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits We can inactivate viruses in distributed water cost effectively and sustainable We can inactivate viruses when using sustainable means We have an adaptive system that responds to change We have the right tools to deliver the right solutions |
Zero Chemical & Low Energy Treatment Processes View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits We can identify the biochemical pathways to resolve treatment needs We can implement sustainable solutions |
| Biological Removal of Taste and Odour Compounds. Project Status - Expressions of Interest Category - Drinking Water Quality & Health Taste and odour compounds such as Geosmin and 2- methyl isoborneol (MIB) are becoming more of an issue as the climate changes in the UK and Ireland. Currently the main technology used to remove taste and odour compounds is granular activated carbon (GAC). Regeneration of GAC needs to occur ca. every 3 years and is very carbon intensive with 2 tonnes of carbon emitted for every tonne of GAC regenerated. In addition, the regeneration process is costly and time consuming leading to increased cost to the water company and ultimately our customers.
Previous work has identified that in some cases we are seeing biological removal for geosmin through conventional rapid gravity sand filtration and has been able to isolate the bacteria responsible for this removal.
The project would aim to progress the development of biological treatment as a low-carbon, chemical free, method for taste and odour removal by either manipulating the conditions in the filters to encourage the removal bacteria to thrive or by developing a bespoke treatment process to encourage the biological removal. If successful, the project could provide knowledge to assist water companies in supporting biological treatment in existing assets. At present, there is insufficient knowledge to manage any bacterial communities which provide this treatment – our operational actions may inadvertently be inhibiting the process. Ultimately, we would aim to have a process which could be deliberately manipulated to provide taste and odour removal. |
| BQ - Achieving 100% compliance with drinking water standards at point of use by 2050? Taste and Odour: Methods of Detection. Project Status - Project Completed No Further Information Available. |
| Water Quality Events Database - continuation of service. Project Status - Project Commenced |
| BQ How do we achieve 100% compliance with drinking water standards by 2050? Risk assessment of CIP data with respect to implications for drinking water sources. Project Status - Project Completed To determine whether any emerging contaminants, measured through the Chemical Investigation Programme, pose a potential risk to the quality of drinking water supplies. Problem The Chemical Investigation Programme (CIP) Phase 1 &2 has monitored a large number of chemicals that may be entering the aquatic environment from our wastewater treatment processes. This data, however, has not been looked at in terms of the potential impacts on drinking water quality. Impact We currently do not know the impact that these chemicals have on raw water quality for sources located downstream of a waste water treatment works. Project This project is an enabler for future work to meet the outcome “An appropriate balance of risk with regards to substances of concern, their public health impact, and mitigation”. It is the first project in a series that will allow the Industry to demonstrate to its customers and other stakeholders, including regulators, that it keeps the upstream risks it faces under review as data becomes available. Subsequent projects will look in more detail on issues such as treatability i.e. determine if the disinfection process for water containing these chemicals give rise to unwanted by-products of health concern or cause taste and odour issues. |
| BQ04-B03b-Controlling water chemistry to improve drinking water quality and minimising disinfection by-products - Nitrogenated DBPs. Project Status - Project Commenced |
| BQ04-B04c Potable Water Risks from per-fluorinated compounds. Project Status - Project Commenced There is increasing pressure on the Water Industry due to interest in the risk of significant levels of pre-fluorinated organics – eg PFOS/PFOA – in drinking water. There is a request for UKWIR to join in a collaborative group of projects with DWI & EA to build capacity and understanding of the significance of this issue. |
| BQ04-B07: Catchments as the first stage of treatment. Project Status - Project Commenced Problem To support the innovation needs in drinking water quality there is a requirement to consider and implement catchments as the first stage of treatment including nature based, sustainable solutions in addition to behavioural changes within catchment owners / users to drive improvements in water quality and offset the need for infrastructure investment. The latter is well developed through current catchment management approaches / techniques however there is less experience on using catchments as a treatment stage particularly for more diffuse sources of water quality parameters that cannot be readily addressed at their source/point of origin. This proposal looks to advance the research into catchments as a treatment stage to supplement the already well developed and implemented catchment management approaches within the UK and Ireland that successfully reduce the input of compounds into source waters. The following are just some examples of where there is a need to consider and develop catchment based solutions as a first stage of treatment to close the current knowledge gap: There is also a need to use catchments to provide early warnings to water utilities on issues that may impact on treatment and resultant water quality rather than the WTW instrumentation and performance picking up on a water quality event. The use of online monitoring (of water quality and weather) can provide improved intelligence to support the implementation of catchments as treatment stages. Like research on traditional catchment management, research on catchments as a first stage of treatment is a challenging area as often options are specific to locations. Despite this there is a need to identify and assess opportunities for utilising catchments as the first stage of treatment calling out what would need to be assessed prior to implementation in specific catchments. Previous research including the Freedom project has shown that in surface water systems some water bodies act as a net source of organic carbon, and therefore reduce the overall benefits of catchment interventions such as peatland restoration. Therefore research in to catchments as the first stage of treatment needs to holistically consider the catchment system (catchment and water body). Building on previous UKWIR Research into remote sensing for catchment management (15/DW/14/12) and other modelling and mapping techniques there are opportunities to utilise these techniques to identify areas where catchments as a treatment stage are likely to deliver the greatest benefits. There is a need to: Impact Project The project will improve our understanding of utilising catchments as the first stage of treatment using more sustainable processes and may help support a future transition to chemical free water treatment. |
| BQ4-B03b Controlling water chemistry to improve drinking water quality and minimising brominated disinfection by-products . Project Status - Project Commenced |
| Understanding DBP formation: Interpretation of laboratory experiments to operational conditions. Project Status - Project Completed Category - Drinking Water Quality & Health No Further Information Available. |
| BQ - Achieving 100% compliance with drinking water standards at point of use by 2050? Protecting water quality in the home (domestic fixtures & fittings). Project Status - Project Completed |
| BQ How do we achieve 100% compliance with drinking water standards by 2050? Better understanding of the chemistry of the control of lead. Project Status - Project Completed This project will address key issues in order to meet the outcome “Ownership and responsibility for water quality is clear and all part their part in its protection”. The project will improve our understanding of the complex chemistry which underlies the control of lead solubility. Recent developments in analytical instrumentation open up a number of avenues to enhance the industry's understanding of the surface chemistry which facilitates compliance or causes failure. |
| BQ04-D04-Achieving biologically stable / low AOC water in the UK. Project Status - Project Commenced |
| Real time monitoring of bacteria downstream of WTWs. Project Status - Project Completed Category - Drinking Water Quality & Health No Further Information Available. |
| Redefining Coliforms. Project Status - Expressions of Interest Category - Drinking Water Quality & Health The traditional and regulatory approved methods for the confirmation of indicator bacteria e.g. coliforms, use biochemical testing and these inherently have inaccuracies that can lead to misclassifications of bacteria. Modern methods such as Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) and 16S genotyping and whole genome sequencing are more precise and avoid this misclassification. However, the water quality regulations require water companies to report results based on the reference methods stated in the Microbiology of Drinking Water (Blue Book) which define what a coliform is. This can lead to financial penalties and reputational damage that is based on a technically correct but factually inaccurate result. For example, Escherichia marmotae is a coliform, but using the traditional Blue Book method it is classified as Escherichia coli. The consequence of this inaccuracy is a doubling of the CRI penalty; and would be seen as a public health risk that could lead to a precautionary boil water notice. For a large WTW this increase in CRI penalty could be over £1m per detection. Coliforms are not a taxonomical group but rather a collection of organisms defined by their biochemistry, and over time this definition has changed to match the regulatory approved analytical methods. This project seeks to understand the outputs from these modern methods and develop a new definition of a coliform which will remove the current blockers to innovation and facilitate laboratories to move to more rapid, efficient, and accurate methods for the protection of public health. |
| Understanding somatic coliphage results and viral risk in relation to treatment competence . Project Status - Project Commenced Drinking water quality is of key importance to public health. The Industry has largely lost visibility of viral risks to DWQ with the lack of laboratory capacity. UKWIR BQ04 project D01, currently active at Cranfield University is developing a new approach to water virology, and undertaking initial work to identify the links between viruses and somatic coliphage – the indicator organism specified in the revised Drinking Water Directive (DWD). This project will make use of the analytical methods developed in the pathfinder project to facilitate a clear understanding of risk to public health when treatment processes are under challenge.
Using the UKCRIC Water Treatment Pilot Facility there is a need to:
Unless we can re-build the Industry’s knowledge around virus risk we are unable to demonstrate the optimal management of risk to health. There is a heightened regulatory expectation to reduce risk, driven by the research underpinning the new DWD, and support realistic Drinking Water Safety Planning. |
| Biological Routes to the Removal of Pesticides and other Organics (BQ4-E3). Project Status - Project Commenced |
| BQ - Achieving 100% compliance with drinking water standards at point of use by 2050? - Phase 2 - Intensifying Natural Processes. Project Status - Project Completed Category - Drinking Water Quality & Health No Further Information Available. |
| Maximising the safe return of recovered process water (BQ4-E4). Project Status - Project Completed If we are to halve our abstractions by 2050 water treatment plant efficiencies will need to be improved. At present industry best practice dictates that wash water return flow is maintained at less than 10 % by volume and with a turbidity of less than 10 NTU. However, with the improved treatment technology over the past two decades are these limits still a reflection of the risk of cryptosporidium oocyst breakthrough or can these limits be risk based on treatment technologies and incoming water quality. |