Published On 13/07/2018
The Institute of Agri-Food Research and Innovation are holding a one-day conference on metaldehyde and would like to invite you.
The conference is being held on Thursday 13th September at Fera Science Ltd, near York, UK. The meeting will bring together researchers, regulators, farmers and industry to consider all aspects of metaldehyde use, environmental mobility and potential treatment and stewardship options.
At present we are compiling the programme and speakers include: Ian Boyd (Defra), John Haley (UKWIR), James Moir (University of York) and Tom Bradshaw (NFU). We are now inviting you to register your interest in attending and offer a contribution of a platform presentation or poster.
Attendance at the conference is free and refreshments and lunch will be provided.
Please register as soon as possible by clicking here. If you wish, please provide an abstract of your presentation (100 words).
Space will be available for sponsor exhibits. If you and your organisation wish to discuss sponsorship for the event please contact
We look forward to you and your colleagues joining us on 13th September.