Leaks from underground pipes are a reputational issue for all water companies. Since 1997, leakage has been reduced by 40 per cent. Even still, 20 per cent of all the drinking water produced is still lost – from companies’ pipes, homes and businesses. Customers, regulators and Government expect water companies to reduce leakage much further. In England and Wales, water companies have already started to reflect those expectations and pledged to reduce leakage by a further 461 million litres per day, or 16%, between 2020 and 2025. This work has been carried out by Jeremy Heath of SES Water, in his capacity as the programme lead for the Leakage Big Question. This dataset is an update of the original exercise that was carried out in 2019. The purpose of this exercise is threefold: 1. To generate a UK industry-wide innovation heatmap for leakage, which captures the recent and current research programmes. 2. To assist in the development of the UKWIR Leakage Big Question, by identifying those areas where there is little research currently taking place. 3. To foster collaboration between Companies by highlighting those areas where multiple companies are working on similar projects. It is important to understand that the projects lists are not exhaustive and inter-company comparison on the levels of leakage innovation are not valid. Some companies have been unable to provide their full project list due to contractual or non-disclosure agreements. Some companies have listed projects separately, whilst others have grouped them together (for example smart networks). This exercise has only sought to capture a small segment of all of the innovative work being carried out by water companies, in order to develop research plans and promote collaboration on leakage innovation. If water companies wish to initiate contact to discuss the potential for shared projects, they can contact him direct, and he will be able to direct them to the relevant person in the other water company for that particular project. Supply companies, who may wish to discuss the benefit that they can bring to some of these projects, should use the existing channels to contact the relevant Company. For excel version of the heatmap, click the download button using the link below. Leakage Innovation Heatmap
New Leaks on existing networks are minimised View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits We can develop strategies to prevent or minimise new leaks We have improved knowledge of how and why leaks break out and grow |
All new leaks are found quickly after they break out View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits We can receive real-time alarms on new leaks We have effective acoustic & non acoustic detection methods We have effective detection method for plastic pipes We have remote leak detection tools We have sensors and indicators for new leaks We know how / where to use permanent instrumentation for detection We know how to make correlators more effective |
Repairs are quick, economic with minimal disruption View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits We have developed non metallic tracing tools We have improved zero / minimum excavation techniques We understand how to prevent repeat bursts |
Background leakage is eliminated View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits We have improved techniques to seal pipes We understand the nature and magnitude of background leakage |
We can confidently quantify leakage and demonstrate when it is zero View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits We can make accurate local water balances We have accurate knowledge of where water is going within District Metering Areas We have near universal customer metering |
All new pipework is leak-free when laid and remains so throughout its economic life View key benefits and filter projects by this outcome key benefits We can optimise current methods We can specify new leak-free methods |
| Best Practice For Trunk Main Flow Monitoring Areas. Project Status - Project Completed Category - Asset Management Problem |
| The impact of reductions in leakage levels on reported and detected burst frequencies. Project Status - Project Completed The Water Industry has very little knowledge of the impact of reducing leakage levels on the numbers of repairs that need to be carried out each year, nor on the relative proportions of visible and invisible leaks. Introduction of performance commitments and changes in SIM, with associated rewards and penalties, has increased focus on the customer service aspects of burst and leak repairs, whether it is unwanted contacts, interruptions to supply or associated discolouration contacts. Customer Service impact mitigation costs will add to the operational costs for repair and consequential damage. Single company data is insufficient to discern any impact due to leakage level as it is masked by weather and relatively static targets. Pooled company data, combined with planned AMP6 reductions should provide a data set to understand any increases in repair frequency, changes in proportions of visible leaks and the time period for change. |
| Understand the balance between use, supply pipe leakage, plumbing losses and meter under-registration. Project Status - Project Completed This project will use recently developed flow estimation techniques to investigate these factors across a representative sample of household properties within several water companies. The data obtained will be used to provide greatly improved estimates of:
| Understanding factors contributing to and affecting overall DMA leakage. Project Status - Expressions of Interest Category - Leakage Leak location techniques have evolved greatly over the last 15 years, the advent of effective satellite / overflying detection, increased use and effectiveness of hydrophones and the concomitant reduction in more basic, less efficient traditional methods such as listening stick surveys. Leakage practitioners are already expert in knowing which areas are best surveyed with particular techniques the project aims to formalise and develop these intuitive decision making processes with validated models that will identify from a given set of district metered area (DMA) parameters, which techniques will be most suitable in locating or reducing leakage. |
| Use of smart meters and smart networks for leakage management. Project Status - Project Completed Modern technology has made it possible to collect much greater quantities of data, and at higher resolution. Leakage analysis methods and leak detection technology have both made many advances in recent years, but data collection and manipulation processes have hardly changed. The basic principle of measuring minimum night flow into a DMA, and then subtracting estimates of household and non-household night use to give leakage, remains unchanged in the past 30 years. |
| Causes of transients in distribution networks. Project Status - Project Completed Category - Leakage |
| The Impact of Pressure Transients on Leakage. Project Status - Project Commenced |
| Understanding how the deterioration of cast iron pipes evolves into leakage. Project Status - Project Commenced |
| Achieving zero leakage by 2050: Leakage detection by acoustic methods. Project Status - Project Completed No Further Information Currently Available. |
| Active Leakage Control Efficiency. Project Status - Project Completed Both Ofwat and the Environment Agency (EA) have said recently that they have some concerns with the current Sustainable Economic Level of Leakage (SELL) process for the setting of leakage targets. The recent EA guidance on leakage for Water Resource Management Planning (WRMP19) says : “There is increased realisation that SELL may not be the most effective way to plan leakage levels. WRMP19 will be the final time that a leakage figure is derived from SELL. We expect water companies to evolve and move away from SELL for WRMP24 and to innovate to reduce leakage beyond the current levels”. The Ofwat consultation document on outcomes for PR19 (February 2017) expresses a different view : “Companies should report their SELL in business plans, explain their assumptions on future improvements in leakage reduction efficiency in the SELL, and explain how its Performance Commitment for leakage is appropriate in relation to SELL”. There is a strong feeling amongst companies that leakage targets should continue to be based on a sound economic analysis. However, the cost of leakage management relationship for SELL modelling is derived from analysis of the company’s own historical leakage management performance data. It is therefore a valid criticism of this process that if a company has been historically inefficient, then this inefficiency becomes built into the SELL. |
| Combination of transient v steady state detection methods. Project Status - Project Commenced Category - Leakage No Further Information Available. |
| Optimisation of sensor location: "Hydrant dynamics for acoustic leak detection". Project Status - Project Commenced Category - Leakage No Further Information Available. |
| Calculating whole life costings and value of mains renewal methodologies. Project Status - Expressions of Interest Category - Leakage As water companies develop and deploy ever more efficient awareness and location tools, there will be an increased requirement for prevent methodologies, as the leakage advantages from the deployed tools are realised. To evaluate mains renewal technologies, there is a requirement for further understanding of the whole costing and total value of the various mains methodologies. Although companies are becoming more conversant at costing mains replacement schemes in terms of their environmental, carbon and social cost, this tends to be completed at a macro level rather than an individual scheme. It is currently difficult to compare different mains renewal methodologies and calculate the full financial, environmental, carbon and social cost. In some cases, particularly where interruption to supply measures are paramount, some renewal methods are automatically discounted, even though they may have low cost and high value. |
| Impact of Customer-side Leakage Approaches. Project Status - Project Commenced Category - Water Mains & Services & Leakage It is estimated that about 25% of the leakage within a water distribution network is located on a customer's property and occurs within the pipe that is not the responsibility of the Water Companies. However, this is still included in the leakage figures that water companies report to regulators. The customers can be divided into household and non- household. For household customers, water companies offer a range of solutions from providing free advice to free repairs. There is limited understanding of how these different policies ultimately impact on reported leakage levels and overall cost to the business. For non household customers, water companies don't provide free repair services as a part of their standard customer leakage policy. However, with the opening of retail market, communication with non-household customers has become difficult, slowing down the leak repair and increasing the level of leakage. Water Companies are also increasingly installing smart metering which identify leaks with very low flowrates. This has challenged the industry to find such small leaks, which are not cost effective to repair, and can be difficult to locate. |
| Incidence and causes of repeat bursts at old repairs. Project Status - Project Completed Distribution Maintenance staff at water companies know well that many leaks and bursts, once excavated, prove to be at the location of a previous repair, and occur as a result of a failure of the old repair. However it is not known how much data is collected on this, and there is no quantitative evidence of the magnitude or significance of this problem at national level. Nor has there been any study of the reasons for the failures, i.e. whether they are due to deterioration of the clamp or other repair materials over time, or whether they are caused by faulty workmanship at the time of the initial repair. |
| BQ02-F24- Improving the testing approach to novel lining materials for potable water networks – Phase 1. Project Status - Project Completed |
| BQ02-A27 A review of the success of previous mains renewal methods and an overview of new techniques. Project Status - Project Commenced Category - Water Mains & Services & Leakage The UK water industry is aware that mains replacement programmes are not at the volume needed to create a healthy distribution network for future generations. In building Mains Rehab business cases the industry must be able to make good decisions as to the engineering techniques employed. |
| BQ02-A30 Optimising the Selection of Pipes for Renewal to Reduce Leakage. Project Status - Project Commenced Category - Water Mains & Services & Leakage In the 1990’s and 2000’s, mains renewal programmes were principally driven by the need to improve water quality in pipe networks, under the Section 19 undertakings. More recently, mains renewals have been targeted more at improving serviceability, specifically burst frequencies and interruptions to supply. The selection of mains for renewal under these programmes was based first on data on water samples and water quality complaints, and later on data on burst frequencies. As all of these types of data can be allocated to specific pipes, it was relatively simple to target individual pipes for renewal. Now, with the current focus on reducing leakage levels, leakage has become a major driver for mains renewal, if not the principal driver. However, leakage is not normally measured at the level of individual pipes, but only at DMA level. In reality leakage is rarely uniformly distributed across a DMA, but instead some pipes leak more than others within the DMA. In order to optimise the economics of a mains renewal programme driven by leakage reduction, a method is required to determine which pipes are leaking most in order to target the investment to maximise the benefits. Currently, as such a method is not generally available, mains are selected on the basis of historical burst numbers, using burst frequency as a surrogate for leakage. In reality, burst numbers are a poor indicator of leakage levels. |