Big question

BQ10 - How do we remove more carbon than we emit by 2050?



The areas that this Big Question covers include:

  • Energy & Transport – decarbonise through avoidance, efficiency and alternatives to fossil fuels
  • Process Emissions – minimised emissions through prevention, optimisation or capture
  • Land Use & Carbon Capture – carbon sequestration potential maximised
  • Investment & Procurement – minimised emissions in materials, consumables, products & services, credible offsets
  • Customers – reduced emissions related to customer behaviour
  • Cross-Cutting – low carbon, sustainable water cycle management

Have a look at the route map – this is a plan as to how we will answer our Big Question through research.

The route map has a number of key elements. At the top is our Big Question and then the Outcomes we need to achieve from the research programme -if we can achieve all these Outcomes we can answer the Big Question. You can also see the Key Benefits that will come from achieving the desired Outcomes.

Click on the Research Outcomes below to see the Projects that have been completed or are underway. 

Scroll down further to see Case Studies explaining the impact of our research.

Current Project Summary 


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Calculating wholelife / totex carbon.

Project Status - Project Commenced

Category - Carbon

Over the last 15 years the water sector has been developing tools for different aspects of its carbon footprint. Through UKWIR the Carbon Accounting Workbook provides a consistent approach for annual operational emissions. Also focused on operational emissions, the Water UK Net Zero routemap programme will culminate in the provision tools for estimating carbon reductions of different options over a given period of time, and the cost per tonne of CO2 avoided.

Now, growing attention is being paid to the embodied carbon of capital schemes and the sector’s supply chain. Already, various tools are available for estimating capital carbon emissions for new assets, (some of which include operational carbon) and with developments such as PAS2080 they are becoming more standardised. But uptake has been variable across the sector.

Two interconnected risks remain. Firstly, that embodied / capital carbon continues to receive less attention than operational emissions and that capital and operational carbon are not assessed in the round – contrary to totex thinking. Secondly, that the sector lags behind regulator and other stakeholder expectations on measuring capital carbon and building it into decision making and reporting


Carbon accounting workbook update v15.

Project Status - Project Completed

To avoid inconsistent greenhouse gas emissions reporting we need a common method and accounting system. This is achieved through the carbon accounting workbook (CAW).

The CAW requires annual updating - at the very least to incorporate revised emissions factors issued by BEIS. Previous updates have also included broadening the scope of items that are quantified, and improving functionality.