
Integrated Waste Management

Reference: 11/SL/12/2
ISBN: 1 84057 596 4
Published Date: 13/06/2011

The objectives of this project were: to understand the impact of competition and increased scrutiny/concern on recycling of biosolids to agriculture due to an increase in other organic materials being considered for recycling in this manner; and to identify the opportunities and restrictions for the water industry in accepting other organic waste streams at Urban Wastewater Treatment Works.
The project concluded that co-digestion had a key role to play in assisting UK plc to meet its challenging targets for landfill diversion, renewable power generation and greenhouse gas reduction. From a water industry perspective, co-digestion has the potential to bring considerable benefits to the business and to its water customer base. However, there are still a number of regulatory issues that need to be resolved before these benefits can be fully realised, namely: clarification on the mechanisms by which co-digestate can be recycled to land; whether co-digestion can be undertaken as part of the appointed or non-appointed business; and, if the latter, the level of any transfer pricing would need to be agreed.
The study has provided valuable underpinning information that will enable the Water Industry to engage in discussions with the financial and environmental regulators, with a view to enabling more widespread engagement in co-digestion in the future, that will benefit UK renewable power (biogas) generation and the recycling of valuable nutrients to agricultural land.

Price: £10  

Comparative Environmental Aspects of Available Biosolids Routes

Reference: 01/SL/12/1
ISBN: 1 84057 238 8
Published Date: 17/04/2002

This study provides an independent comparison of the environmental consequences resulting from the selection of the more readily available biosolids processes and uses. Biosolids does not always enjoy a positive public image but the situation can be improved by demonstrating that biosolids use or disposal is safe and is based on a sound understanding of environmental implications.

Price: £10