UKWIR Reports Catalogue
UKWIR maintains and is constantly adding to, an extensive library of reports which are deliverables from our research programme. Reports Catalogues are created to illustrate the reports that have been produced in each of UKWIR's research topic areas. These reports are freely available to UKWIR subscribers and they may be purchased from the UKWIR website by non-subscribers
Customers |
Defining water poverty and evaluating existing information and approaches to reduce water poverty |
Ref: 20/CU/04/9 Price: £10ISBN: 978-1-84057-889-8A part of the English water industry’s Public Interest Commitment is to make bills affordable for all households with water and sewerage bills above 5% of their disposable income by 2030 and to develop a strategy to end water poverty. UKWIR has asked the ‘Big Question’ of how to achieve zero customers in water poverty by year 2030 to complement this commitment. UKWIR has commissioned CEPA and Sustainability First to support these objectives through a research project focussing on the measurement of water poverty and on its alleviation. This study is not expected to answer the Big Question, but rather provides practical insights and recommendations to water companies as well as for consumer bodies, regulators, policymakers, and the water industry more widely, enabling the industry to take positive steps to address the challenge of water poverty. |
Using Smart Meters to Deliver Savings for Consumers |
Ref: 19/CU/02/16 Price: £10ISBN: 978 1 84057 867 6Improving water efficiency is increasingly seen as an essential policy objective in the UK and Ireland, and governments and water companies are looking at a range of measures to deliver this. Water metering is commonly used as a tool to support efficiency programmes, and smart meters can provide information to customers which could potentially help further in encouraging water saving behaviours. This report examines the commercial and technical case for smart water metering, and the potential for joint energy / water approaches to support this and efficiency programmes more generally. It considers international and UK experience in relation to both energy / water efficiency and smart metering initiatives. |
Customer debt |
Annex 1 |
Ref: 21/CU/03/4 Price: £10ISBN: 978-1-84057-920-8Frontier Economics was commissioned by UKWIR to develop a range of pragmatic options for customer and stakeholder involvement in price controls, and an assessment framework to assess each of these options and how these can be implemented in the context of water regulation. The overall aim of the project was not to settle on a single recommended option for customer and stakeholder engagement, but to identify a range of engagement options at a high level that can potentially be applied in UKWIR jurisdictions. This report details the options for customer and stakeholder engagement that were developed, and presents the high-level risks, opportunities and trade-offs in the implementation of each. |
Ref: 04/CU/04/3 Price: £10ISBN: 1-84057-348-1The project was initiated to provide factual information on the profile of industry consumer debtors to inform discussions with Government, the Regulator, Consumer, and Industry Groups. The basis of the analysis was domestic household customers with balances outstanding as at 31st March 2004. 14 water companies supplied information, including all the Water and Sewerage companies in England and Wales. The analysis included;
he analysis identified that industry debtors were more likely to have significant other debt and a history of indebtedness; that a significant proportion of the debt was associated with recent relocation; that the younger generation were less likely to pay than older generations and that single people were over-represented compared to couples. |
07CU045_Appendicex_5 |
Ref: 07/CU/04/5 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 465 8UKWIR commissioned Accent to conduct research into intelligent claiming and the DWP Water Direct scheme. The research comprised desk research, an all-company survey, depth interviews with representatives of nine companies and research among customers who had been, or were, on the DWP Water Direct scheme. |
07CU045_Appendicex_4 |
Ref: 07/CU/04/5 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 465 8UKWIR commissioned Accent to conduct research into intelligent claiming and the DWP Water Direct scheme. The research comprised desk research, an all-company survey, depth interviews with representatives of nine companies and research among customers who had been, or were, on the DWP Water Direct scheme. |
07CU045_Appendicex_3 |
Ref: 07/CU/04/5 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 465 8UKWIR commissioned Accent to conduct research into intelligent claiming and the DWP Water Direct scheme. The research comprised desk research, an all-company survey, depth interviews with representatives of nine companies and research among customers who had been, or were, on the DWP Water Direct scheme. |
07CU045_Appendicex_2 |
Ref: 07/CU/04/5 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 465 8UKWIR commissioned Accent to conduct research into intelligent claiming and the DWP Water Direct scheme. The research comprised desk research, an all-company survey, depth interviews with representatives of nine companies and research among customers who had been, or were, on the DWP Water Direct scheme. |
07CU045_Appendicex_1 |
Ref: 07/CU/04/5 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 465 8UKWIR commissioned Accent to conduct research into intelligent claiming and the DWP Water Direct scheme. The research comprised desk research, an all-company survey, depth interviews with representatives of nine companies and research among customers who had been, or were, on the DWP Water Direct scheme. |
07CU045_Appendices |
Ref: 07/CU/04/5 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 465 8UKWIR commissioned Accent to conduct research into intelligent claiming and the DWP Water Direct scheme. The research comprised desk research, an all-company survey, depth interviews with representatives of nine companies and research among customers who had been, or were, on the DWP Water Direct scheme. |
Ref: 22/CU/04/10 Price: £10ISBN: 978-1-84057-955-0As part of UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR) big question programme we are asking…. How do we achieve zero customers in water poverty by 2030? We know water is an essential resource, households have access to clean and plentiful supply of water and cannot be cut off if they fall behind on their bills. However, for many people, the cost of water and wastewater services is unaffordable which puts them in ‘water poverty’. At the start of the programme in 2019, we drafted a route map to answer this question, but following many industry developments, we conducted a sprint workshop with a cross section of stakeholders to generate ideas to refresh the Routemap.
Welfare Reform and Its Impact on the Collection of Water Charges |
Ref: 15/CU/04/8 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 775 4Since 2010, the Government has embarked on a package of welfare reform which aimed to make the benefit system fairer, more affordable, and to reduce poverty, worklessness and welfare dependency. The reforms have been wide ranging and impacted on many households in receipt of benefits and tax credits. With the advent of Universal Credit the whole structure of welfare payments is also changing. This report examines the implications of the welfare reforms for water companies and their customers, in order to help identify appropriate strategies water companies may take in adapting to them. Specifically the report provides details of the welfare reform programme, impact, implementation and future roll out. It investigates customer views on how the welfare reforms have affected their ability to pay water charges, and assesses the impact of reforms on water companies and their customers through an analysis of changes in customers' payment behaviour, debt and arrears. |
Forecasting Future Levels of Water Debt |
Ref: 13/CU/04/7 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 664 2The rising level of debt associated with domestic households in England and Wales is an increasingly serious issue for the water industry. The aim of this project has been to present the evidence on debt, to discuss the factors that are likely to drive future levels of debt and to develop realistic forecasts of how future trajectories of water debt might evolve. A history of June Return statistics provides the basis for the development of debt forecasts, introducing debt penetration and debt intensity parameters to measure the current position and to predict future arrears over a 10-year horizon. Household-level impacts are explored, evaluating the affordability risks associated with future disparities in earnings growth and cost of living. Outcomes are presented for the industry as a whole and for each of the twenty-one water companies in England and Wales. |
Debt Collection Performance and Income Deprivation |
Ref: 09/CU/04/6 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 531 XThis report examines the relationship between water company unrecovered revenue (debt) and income deprivation at the small area level. Debt has become a growing problem for water companies in the UK, rising by 40% over the last 5 years. It has been postulated that one reason for the variation in levels of debt between water companies is the variation in levels of socio-economic deprivation around the country. Data obtained at the individual property level from 13 participating water companies covering 80% of the population of England and Wales was analysed against information on income deprivation. A very strong relationship between debt and deprivation was demonstrated but other factors relating to variations in the billing and revenue recovery processes also played a part. The report makes recommendations to support improved revenue recovery in the industry. This is seen as particularly important in the context of the prevailing economic conditions in the UK in 2009. |
Customer Targeted Debt Management |
Ref: 07/CU/04/5 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 465 8UKWIR commissioned Accent to conduct research into intelligent claiming and the DWP Water Direct scheme. The research comprised desk research, an all-company survey, depth interviews with representatives of nine companies and research among customers who had been, or were, on the DWP Water Direct scheme. |
Quantifying Different Types of Water Industry Debt |
Ref: 06/CU/04/4 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 399 6Despite the recent focus on debt and good practice in the area of debt management by water companies, debt within the sector is high and predicted by many to increase further in the next five years as prices increase. This research builds on the previous year's research into socioeconomic and demographic effects and for the first time provides an analysis of the value of debt attributable to different groups of debtors. Changes from the previous year's results are analysed and reported on. In addition some new and important areas of debt analysis are undertaken to improve understanding of why particular groups of people are indebted and what can be done to reduce the current and future debts. |
Water Industry Debt - Socioeconomic and Demographic Effects |
Ref: 04/CU/04/3 Price: £10ISBN: 1-84057-348-1The project was initiated to provide factual information on the profile of industry consumer debtors to inform discussions with Government, the Regulator, Consumer, and Industry Groups. The basis of the analysis was domestic household customers with balances outstanding as at 31st March 2004. 14 water companies supplied information, including all the Water and Sewerage companies in England and Wales. The analysis included;
he analysis identified that industry debtors were more likely to have significant other debt and a history of indebtedness; that a significant proportion of the debt was associated with recent relocation; that the younger generation were less likely to pay than older generations and that single people were over-represented compared to couples. |
Water Industry Debt - Minimising the Problem of Non-Payers |
Ref: 04/CU/04/2 Price: £10ISBN: 1-84057-326-0This is a qualitative research project comprising focus groups and depth interviews among customers with water debt of more than 12 months, in seven locations in England and Wales. It also includes customers considered to be 'vulnerable to debt' (eg those with low literacy levels, long-term disabilities or mental health problems, single parents, long term unemployed) and depth interviews with Citizens Advice debt counsellors and The Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The research builds on work in 2003 for WaterVoice and Ofwat among customers with water debt of three months' standing, which identified three debtor types:
It expands each of these into two sub-categories to reflect the wide range of circumstances which give rise to the more entrenched attitudes to water debt. The findings highlight some unique issues for the water industry and makes recommendations on the method of contact considered most appropriate for each debtor type. |
Water Industry Debt - Current Trends and Good Practice Approaches |
Ref: 03/CU/04/1 Price: £10ISBN: 1-84057-312-0In recent years the water industry has seen rising levels of outstanding debt, rising numbers of customers in debt and rising costs associated with collecting debt. The government has yet to be convinced that the water industry has levels of debt and trends of increasing debt that are substantially different to other utilities / industries operating in the UK. This report is the result of quantitative and qualitative research designed to inform the debate on the unique position of the water industry and to provide guidance to companies on good practice approaches to debt management. The study tracks the relative position of the water industry in terms of the levels and trends in debt, particularly since the ban on the disconnection of supply was introduced. An analysis is undertaken of the collections and recovery practices of large-scale lenders and the utilities sector in order to ascertain whether the water industry is adopting ‘good practice’ in collection and recovery so far as regulatory constraints and scale economies allow. |
Customer Liaison |
Ref: 15/CU/03/2-1 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 776 2This study identifies the key aspects that underlie an effective and sustainable customer education strategy for wastewater, and uses the findings to create full, coherent and sustainable guidance for the development of such strategies. The study explores the need for, and benefits of, education in four key areas: sewer misuse, misconnections, labelling and flood mitigation. For each of these in turn, the key target groups for education are identified along with the most effective way of engaging with them. The research programme involved consulting with water companies and other industries about current and recent education initiatives which they have undertaken; consultation with tradespeople, manufacturers, retailers, trade bodies, professional membership bodies and training bodies about misconnections and labelling; and an international literature review on similar education initiatives which have been undertaken in the UK and overseas. |
Appendix D Insights into Misconnections |
Ref: 15/CU/03/2-1 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 776 2This study identifies the key aspects that underlie an effective and sustainable customer education strategy for wastewater, and uses the findings to create full, coherent and sustainable guidance for the development of such strategies. The study explores the need for, and benefits of, education in four key areas: sewer misuse, misconnections, labelling and flood mitigation. For each of these in turn, the key target groups for education are identified along with the most effective way of engaging with them. The research programme involved consulting with water companies and other industries about current and recent education initiatives which they have undertaken; consultation with tradespeople, manufacturers, retailers, trade bodies, professional membership bodies and training bodies about misconnections and labelling; and an international literature review on similar education initiatives which have been undertaken in the UK and overseas. |
Appendix C Other Industry Campaigns |
Ref: 15/CU/03/2-1 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 776 2This study identifies the key aspects that underlie an effective and sustainable customer education strategy for wastewater, and uses the findings to create full, coherent and sustainable guidance for the development of such strategies. The study explores the need for, and benefits of, education in four key areas: sewer misuse, misconnections, labelling and flood mitigation. For each of these in turn, the key target groups for education are identified along with the most effective way of engaging with them. The research programme involved consulting with water companies and other industries about current and recent education initiatives which they have undertaken; consultation with tradespeople, manufacturers, retailers, trade bodies, professional membership bodies and training bodies about misconnections and labelling; and an international literature review on similar education initiatives which have been undertaken in the UK and overseas. |
Appendix B Wastewater Campaigns and Education Initiatives |
Ref: 15/CU/03/2-1 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 776 2This study identifies the key aspects that underlie an effective and sustainable customer education strategy for wastewater, and uses the findings to create full, coherent and sustainable guidance for the development of such strategies. The study explores the need for, and benefits of, education in four key areas: sewer misuse, misconnections, labelling and flood mitigation. For each of these in turn, the key target groups for education are identified along with the most effective way of engaging with them. The research programme involved consulting with water companies and other industries about current and recent education initiatives which they have undertaken; consultation with tradespeople, manufacturers, retailers, trade bodies, professional membership bodies and training bodies about misconnections and labelling; and an international literature review on similar education initiatives which have been undertaken in the UK and overseas. |
Appendix A Literature Review |
Ref: 15/CU/03/2-1 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 776 2This study identifies the key aspects that underlie an effective and sustainable customer education strategy for wastewater, and uses the findings to create full, coherent and sustainable guidance for the development of such strategies. The study explores the need for, and benefits of, education in four key areas: sewer misuse, misconnections, labelling and flood mitigation. For each of these in turn, the key target groups for education are identified along with the most effective way of engaging with them. The research programme involved consulting with water companies and other industries about current and recent education initiatives which they have undertaken; consultation with tradespeople, manufacturers, retailers, trade bodies, professional membership bodies and training bodies about misconnections and labelling; and an international literature review on similar education initiatives which have been undertaken in the UK and overseas. |
Annex 1 |
Ref: 21/CU/03/4 Price: £10ISBN: 978-1-84057-920-8Frontier Economics was commissioned by UKWIR to develop a range of pragmatic options for customer and stakeholder involvement in price controls, and an assessment framework to assess each of these options and how these can be implemented in the context of water regulation. The overall aim of the project was not to settle on a single recommended option for customer and stakeholder engagement, but to identify a range of engagement options at a high level that can potentially be applied in UKWIR jurisdictions. This report details the options for customer and stakeholder engagement that were developed, and presents the high-level risks, opportunities and trade-offs in the implementation of each. |
How should customers’ and stakeholders’ views be used in regulatory decisions? |
Ref: 21/CU/03/4 Price: £10ISBN: 978-1-84057-920-8Frontier Economics was commissioned by UKWIR to develop a range of pragmatic options for customer and stakeholder involvement in price controls, and an assessment framework to assess each of these options and how these can be implemented in the context of water regulation. The overall aim of the project was not to settle on a single recommended option for customer and stakeholder engagement, but to identify a range of engagement options at a high level that can potentially be applied in UKWIR jurisdictions. This report details the options for customer and stakeholder engagement that were developed, and presents the high-level risks, opportunities and trade-offs in the implementation of each. |
The Future Role of Customer and Stakeholder Engagement in the Water Industry |
Ref: 15/CU/03/3 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 793 2This is the report from the UKWIR study on the possible approaches to customer and stakeholder engagement in water industry price reviews. It has four main parts comprising: a review of the strengths and weakness in customer engagement during the recent PR14 process; a look at the lessons that emerge from experiences of customer engagement in price reviews in other sectors; an assessment of the preparatory steps that the sector can take to put customer and stakeholder engagement on the firmest possible foundations ahead of the water sectors next price review, PR19; and an outline of three possible models for the conduct of this review. |
Post PR14 Customer Engagement, Communications and Education |
Ref: 15/CU/03/1 Price: £10ISBN: 184057 757 6The most recent Price Review (PR14) was different from those before it, in that companies were required to demonstrate that customer views were taken into account in the development of their business plans. This project was commissioned to enable the industry to take stock, collectively, and evaluate companies' programmes of customer engagement encompassing pure research, wider consultation approaches and customer communication via education programmes and campaigns. The report includes 6 principles of good practice and guidance from companies in developing and undertaking customer engagement in the future as well as for CCGs in reviewing these activities. |
Customer Education Strategy for Wastewater - Report |
Ref: 15/CU/03/2-1 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 776 2This study identifies the key aspects that underlie an effective and sustainable customer education strategy for wastewater, and uses the findings to create full, coherent and sustainable guidance for the development of such strategies. The study explores the need for, and benefits of, education in four key areas: sewer misuse, misconnections, labelling and flood mitigation. For each of these in turn, the key target groups for education are identified along with the most effective way of engaging with them. The research programme involved consulting with water companies and other industries about current and recent education initiatives which they have undertaken; consultation with tradespeople, manufacturers, retailers, trade bodies, professional membership bodies and training bodies about misconnections and labelling; and an international literature review on similar education initiatives which have been undertaken in the UK and overseas. |
Customer psychology |
Ref: 12/CU/02/13 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 657 XThis study is the third phase of UKWIR's programme on water smart metering (WSM) in the UK and it builds on the previous parts of the programme. It focuses on providing the water industry as a whole - water companies, industry bodies and regulators - with an in-depth understanding of the incremental costs and benefits associated with WSM, over and above those of traditional metering solutions. |
Cost Benefit Analysis Model User Guide V2 |
Ref: 10/CU/02/7 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 572 7Household water debt has risen by over 50% in the last five years adding around £12 to the annual bills of paying customers. This is partly due to a hard core of debtors who continue to evade payment, despite best efforts to recover money from them. Water debt is considerably higher than in the energy sector, where there are other incentives for customers to pay their bills. |
Appendix 2 |
Ref: 09/CU/02/5 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 528 XThis study was undertaken in collaboration with representatives from the water companies, DEFRA, Ofwat and CCWater. The methodological approaches and analysis developed for this study were also subject to peer review. |
Using Smart Meters to Deliver Savings for Consumers |
Ref: 19/CU/02/16 Price: £10ISBN: 978 1 84057 867 6Improving water efficiency is increasingly seen as an essential policy objective in the UK and Ireland, and governments and water companies are looking at a range of measures to deliver this. Water metering is commonly used as a tool to support efficiency programmes, and smart meters can provide information to customers which could potentially help further in encouraging water saving behaviours. This report examines the commercial and technical case for smart water metering, and the potential for joint energy / water approaches to support this and efficiency programmes more generally. It considers international and UK experience in relation to both energy / water efficiency and smart metering initiatives. |
Understanding the customers' relationship with distribution pressure |
Ref: 16/CU/02/15 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 810 6This report examines the understanding and expectations that customers have about water pressure and investigates those factors that influence the expectations. In particular it explores how customers are affected when water pressure is lower. It also reviews communication practices between water companies and customers around the issues of pressure, both in terms of short-term responses to problems that arise, and through longer-term planning and consultation initiatives, identifying aspects of good practice and clarifying the linkages between pressure management strategies and customer engagement strategies. |
How to Change Customer Behaviour to Encourage Greater Use of 'Self-Service' Facilities |
Ref: 13/CU/02/14 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 702 9As part of a growing emphasis on the quality of customer service, UK water companies are looking to increase the adoption of new technologies and self-service methods of interaction. This report include a review of current practices of self-service migration from both the water industry and other sectors and identifies previously successful marketing strategies. These strategies were tested with water bill payers using a programme of qualitative and quantitative research and the results were used to produce guidance for water companies to consider when developing their own self-service strategies. The industry guidance includes a segmentation analysis which profiles customer groups according to likelihood to adopt self-service and recommended migration strategies. The guidance also provides easy-to-apply advice on how to embed self-service into customer behaviour after the initial migration. |
Smart Metering in the Water Sector Phase 3: Making the Case |
Ref: 12/CU/02/13 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 657 XThis study is the third phase of UKWIR's programme on water smart metering (WSM) in the UK and it builds on the previous parts of the programme. It focuses on providing the water industry as a whole - water companies, industry bodies and regulators - with an in-depth understanding of the incremental costs and benefits associated with WSM, over and above those of traditional metering solutions. |
Best Practice for National Communications - Responsible Use of Sewers: Report on Customer Research |
Ref: 12/CU/02/12 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 632 4This project explored the best methods for communicating with customers about the responsible use of drains and sewers and how to improve awarenes of items that are/ are not suitable for flushing. Understanding reasons why misuse of sewers currently occurs, and barriers/ motivations to change, is key to this aim. Research consisted of three stages: |
Customer Behaviour and Water Use - A good practice manual and roadmap for household consumption forecasting |
Ref: 12/CU/02/11 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 631 6Forecasting household consumption is a key element of water resource management plans (WRMP); however there remain gaps in understanding the factors of influence especially relating to customer behaviour. |
Smart Metering in the Water Sector Phase 2: Building the Case by Understanding Customer Expectations and Benefits |
Ref: 12/CU/02/10 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 619 7This project explored customer support and expectations for Water Smart Metering (WSM) and the value customers place on specific features of WSM. |
Advanced Metering Infrastructure: Best Practices for Water Utilities |
Ref: 12/CU/02/9 Price: £10ISBN: 978-1-60573-162-9This report was produced by the Water Research Foundation as the output from a project jointly sponsored by WaterRF and UKWIR. The purpose of the project was to assess the state of the art and gather the information required to make informed judgements about advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). Developing a business case for AMI may include an economic analysis of key technology and deployment alternatives, financing considerations and assessment of the non-quantifiable benefits and costs as well as project risks. This report provides information to support these analyses, and advice on best practice for procurement and implementation. It also includes some pilot studies and descriptions of case studies in the US and UK. |
Smart Metering in the Water Sector Phase 1: Implications of Energy Smart Metering and Future Research Priorities |
Ref: 10/CU/02/8 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 576 XSmart water meters could fundamentally change the relationship the water industry has with its domestic and business customers. They facilitate improved engagement with customers, deliver efficiencies within the water businesses, support wider social and environmental objectives, and collect revenue. |
Reduced Flow Devices - Impact and Use in the Household Sector |
Ref: 10/CU/02/7 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 572 7Household water debt has risen by over 50% in the last five years adding around £12 to the annual bills of paying customers. This is partly due to a hard core of debtors who continue to evade payment, despite best efforts to recover money from them. Water debt is considerably higher than in the energy sector, where there are other incentives for customers to pay their bills. |
A Review of the Case for More Intelligent Water Metering |
Ref: 10/CU/02/6 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 556 5Water metering and communications technology have developed significantly over recent years and may offer an important option for addressing supply-demand pressures, whilst meeting expectations for efficient and high quality customer service. |
Future Methods of Charging for the Water Industry |
Ref: 09/CU/02/5 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 528 XThis study was undertaken in collaboration with representatives from the water companies, DEFRA, Ofwat and CCWater. The methodological approaches and analysis developed for this study were also subject to peer review. |
Acceptability of Drinking Water - Willingness to Pay |
Ref: 08/CU/02/4 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 486 0This project was commissioned as part of an industry-wide comprehensive research programme, to undertake a large quantitative study using Stated Preference (SP) techniques to derive customers' willingness to pay for improvements in aesthetic aspects of their drinking water. The willingness to pay values were fed into a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) framework developed as part of this study in order to substantiate and support pricing plans to finance possible improvement initiatives nationally. Individual companies now have the opportunity to take this generic model and develop it into their own company-specific CBA framework. |
Acceptability of Water to Customers |
Ref: 07/CU/02/3 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 433 XAn approach to formulating interventions and seeking funding to address aesthetic aspects of drinking water quality is considered. These aspects include discolouration and particles; taste and odour; and hardness. Guidance is given on good practice for recording, categorising and analysing customer contacts. A checklist of potential causes of observed problems and of interventions to address these is compiled from industry expertise. Finally, an appropriate methodology for justification of investment to improve aesthetic water quality is described, using customer willingness-to-pay surveys and cost-benefit analysis. The report includes the outcome of consultation with Regulators and a survey of the industry with regard to aspirations and current practice. |
The Sociology of Water Use |
Ref: 07/CU/02/2 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 430 5This project involved 1) exploratory analysis of existing water company data sets on household consumption and 2) developed a series of five workshops entitled: Traces of Water. The report first, presents the results of re-analysing and interpreting domestic water consumption data and then, second, overviews the five topics of the Traces of Water series: The water consumer, Water and everyday life, Infrastructures of Consumption, Water stresses and the consumer, and, finally, Imagining the Future. |
Critical Review of Relevant Research Concerning the Effects of Charging and Collection Methods on Water Demand, Different Customer Groups and Debt |
Ref: 05/CU/02/1 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 400 3Appraisal of evidence from both the 1988-92 National Metering Trials and limited later studies confirmed earlier work suggesting average demand reductions resulting from domestic metering in England & Wales in the 10%-15% range. Peak demand effects have been found to be greater, as were changes to more sophisticated volumetric tariffs (increasing block, seasonal). Further work is needed to predict better the effects on household charge burdens of switching to various volumetric tariffs and of the tariff rebalancing which accompanies optant metering. The report recommends that investigations should be mounted into possible links between charging, tariffs and payment factors and the growth of both the numbers of debtors and outstanding debt. |
Customer Psychology in Relation to Operational Practice 1998/ 99 |
Ref: 99/WM/09/1 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 171 3The research, which involved both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, examines how customers determine their levels of satisfaction with the service from their clean water supplier, with specific attention paid to that company’s operational practice and the role of its frontline staff. It determines the level of influence, both real and perceived, that network managers and their staff have on their customers’ satisfaction with their supply and service. It looks at the practices and procedures that are utilised by network managers and their staff to raise levels of customer satisfaction and those practices that reduce customer satisfaction. Specific recommendations for action based on the findings are discussed. |
Measure of customer service |
Appendix 6 Current Qualitative SIM Survey |
Ref: 12/CU/01/6 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 655 3The objectives for this research project were to: analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the current Service Incentive Mechanism (SIM); identify, evaluate and compare other qualitative and quantitative options; and recommend a preferred option and consider the regulatory and company impacts of introduction/adoption. |
Appendix 5 Summary of Responses to Interviews |
Ref: 12/CU/01/6 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 655 3The objectives for this research project were to: analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the current Service Incentive Mechanism (SIM); identify, evaluate and compare other qualitative and quantitative options; and recommend a preferred option and consider the regulatory and company impacts of introduction/adoption. |
Appendix 4 Customer Management Models Considered During the Literature Review |
Ref: 12/CU/01/6 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 655 3The objectives for this research project were to: analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the current Service Incentive Mechanism (SIM); identify, evaluate and compare other qualitative and quantitative options; and recommend a preferred option and consider the regulatory and company impacts of introduction/adoption. |
Appendix 3 Papers and References Included in the Academic Literature Review |
Ref: 12/CU/01/6 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 655 3The objectives for this research project were to: analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the current Service Incentive Mechanism (SIM); identify, evaluate and compare other qualitative and quantitative options; and recommend a preferred option and consider the regulatory and company impacts of introduction/adoption. |
Appendix 2 Topic Guidance for Primary Research |
Ref: 12/CU/01/6 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 655 3The objectives for this research project were to: analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the current Service Incentive Mechanism (SIM); identify, evaluate and compare other qualitative and quantitative options; and recommend a preferred option and consider the regulatory and company impacts of introduction/adoption. |
Appendix 1 UKWIR Project Steering Group |
Ref: 12/CU/01/6 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 655 3The objectives for this research project were to: analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the current Service Incentive Mechanism (SIM); identify, evaluate and compare other qualitative and quantitative options; and recommend a preferred option and consider the regulatory and company impacts of introduction/adoption. |
Supply Pipe Ownership - The Customer View |
Ref: 14/CU/01/8 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 748 7This report documents findings from independent research which looks at customers' views of supply pipe ownership, the extent to which they feel industry adoption is necessary and whether they are willing to pay for it. A robust programme of qualitative and quantitative research was undertaken with householders and businesses (from SMEs to large businesses) across England and Wlaes. Private landlords, housing associations amd local authorities were also consulted. In addition, desk research was undertaken which directly fed into the design of the main research programme materials. The report provides some valuable insights into customers' views and makes recommendations on what companies can do now to educate customers on the current supply pipe arrangement and their current supply pipe repair policies; provides guidance on what customers are willing to pay should the transfer happen and outlines the service customers will expect to receive. |
Alternative SIM Measure: Implementation Plan |
Ref: 14/CU/01/7 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 739 8The objective of this report was to research whether an alternative Service Incentive Mechanism (SIM) survey could be introduced for the period 2015-2020 that supported Ofwat's aim to increase water company focus on improving customer satisfaction. The project defined and tested a simpler SIM survey for capturing customer views on the qualitative aspects of customer satisfaction. It also assessed the feasibility of replacing the existing quantitative performance metrics with a single metric of the total number of customer complaints. The project concluded that the revised survey would achieve Ofwat's objective, would also be less costly to operate and would provide a good comparative metric across water companies. A single qualitative metric of 'Customer Experience' should be used for the comparative SIM. The use of a quantitative metric of 'total complaints' was supported for the comparative SIM altough further investigation into the definition and recording of complaints was recommended. |
Options for Refocusing SIM Towards a Measure Based Only on Consumer Satisfaction and Perception |
Ref: 12/CU/01/6 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 655 3The objectives for this research project were to: analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the current Service Incentive Mechanism (SIM); identify, evaluate and compare other qualitative and quantitative options; and recommend a preferred option and consider the regulatory and company impacts of introduction/adoption. |
Billing and Operational Services - Preferred Customer Communication Channels |
Ref: 10/CU/01/5 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 578 6Thie project examined the way that water companies communicate with their customers regarding water and sewerage services and charges, and included a review of alternative channels made possible by new technology. It aimed to provide the industry with up to date information to enable sound strategic choices on appropriate methods of communicating with customers to be made, with the scope encompassing both operational and bill-related interactions. |
Issues Regarding the Potential Adoption of Supply Pipes: Costs, Customer Service and Regulatory Impacts |
Ref: 09/CU/01/4 Price: £10ISBN: 1 84057 537 9There is potential for the adoption of supply pipes, particularly following adoption of private sewers and lateral drains. Adopted supply pipes may provide a solution for maintenance problems and facilitate an integrated and sustainable approach to network management. The future transfer of private supply pipes to water company ownership will have significant and varying impacts on all stakeholders. |